
Bring your trusted applications into the future and stay competitive

Synergex technologies and services provide what you need to digitally transform your applications—whatever your specific goals. Synergex solutions are flexible, customizable, and measurable for ROI.

Legacy Application Modernization

A powerful and safe way to bring your applications forward, by providing intuitive, user-friendly experiences without sacrificing functionality.

The Synergy Application Maturity Model is a tool that our experts use to help you identify a modernization strategy for your business-critical applications. By knowing realistically where you are today and what you aspire to, you can create a plan for modernization that will serve you today and far into the future.

UI/UX Modernization

Before you can modernize your UI/UX and reap the business benefits, you need to unlock the years of accumulated business logic and data in your legacy systems. Sound scary? Not with Harmony Core, our open-source framework. It allows you to do just that—safely and expeditiously.

Data Visibility

Long-trusted Synergy systems contain treasure troves of data. Let us help you get more value from your data by exposing it safely and integrating it. Exploit BI/analytics, create dashboards, or make customer- or partner-facing processes smarter.

Enterprise Application Integration

Take full advantage of your applications’ assets by integrating them smoothly with ERP systems and other critical applications. Our Harmony Core solution lets you easily integrate anything, anywhere—so you can operate fully, efficiently, and securely in modern enterprise application architectures, without limitations.

Development Environment Optimization

Bring your 30-year-old code base into a more modern, useful, and appealing developer environment, elevating your developer workflow and embracing DevOps—all while protecting and evolving your code base.

Cloud Migration

Take full advantage of the cloud. Synergy/DE-based applications can work in the cloud, both as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (virtual machines) and/or native cloud (containers).


We put security first in all Synergex products. We also offer tools and expertise for developers to enable your applications with the utmost security. From techniques and best practices you can deploy yourself, to assessments and disaster-recovery plans developed by our Professional Services aces, we’ve got you covered.

High Availability/Resilience

Improve business continuity, reduce vulnerabilities, and ensure faster, smoother updates. We offer a number of ready-made solutions for proactively engineering high availability and resilience into your applications.

How Synergex Can Help

Synergex can help you implement these solutions and more.

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