Debugging Synergy Programs

The Synergy DBL source-level debugger is a productivity tool that enables programs to run in a special debugging mode so you can test, detect, locate, and remove any mistakes.

The following topics apply to traditional Synergy only. You’ll use the Visual Studio .NET debugger when debugging Synergy .NET applications. (Note that you don’t need to build your application in Visual Studio in order to debug it in Visual Studio.)

BREAK - Set a program breakpoint in the debugger

CANCEL - Cancel watchpoints and breakpoints in the debugger

DELETE - Delete a program breakpoint in the debugger

DEPOSIT - Assign a value to a variable

EXAMINE - Examine the contents of a variable

EXIT - Exit the current program with traceback

GO - Continue program execution

HELP - Provide command help information

LIST - Display lines of source code

LOGGING - Log the debugging session to a file

OPENELB - Make an ELB’s subroutines available to debugger

QUIT - Quit the current program without traceback

SAVE - Save current debugger settings

SCREEN - Update the Synergy windowing system

SEARCH - Search the source for a string

SET - Set debugger options

SHOW - Examine debugger options and program state information

STEP - Step to the next Synergy DBL statement

TRACE - Display the current traceback

VIEW - Display lines around a debug entry

WATCH - Set a watchpoint

WINDBG - Invoke the UI Toolkit debugger

@ Command - Process an indirect command file

! Command - Execute system commands