List Routines

A list is a collection of similar data elements that can be used for selection processing, input processing, or just paging through large amounts of data. Lists can be static or dynamic. A single list element or item can consist of one field or an entire record. For example, a simple, one-field list might be a one-column selection window. A more complex list might be one that contains multi-line, multi-field transaction entries.

GetCellColor - Retrieve the color of an individual cell

GetCellFont - Retrieve the font of an individual cell

GetColumnWidth - Retrieve the width of a column

GetFooterCell - Retrieve the text in an individual cell of a footer

GetFooterCellAlignment - Retrieve the alignment of a footer cell

GetFooterCellFont - Retrieve the font of an individual footer row

GetHeaderCell - Retrieve the text in an individual cell of a header

GetHeaderCellAlignment - Retrieve the alignment of a header cell

GetHeaderCellFont - Retrieve the font of an individual header row

GridRepaint - Force a full repaint

SetCellColor - Change the color of an individual cell

SetCellFont - Change the font of an individual cell

SetColumnWidth - Change the width of a column

SetFooterCell - Change the text in an individual cell of a footer

SetFooterCellAlignment - Change the alignment of a footer cell

SetFooterCellFont - Change the font of an individual footer row

SetHeaderCell - Change the text in an individual cell of a header

SetHeaderCellAlignment - Change the alignment of a header cell

SetHeaderCellFont - Change the font of an individual header row

OnOriginChange - The origin (upper left cell) has changed

L_BORDER - Add or remove the border and drag bar on a list

L_BUTTON - Add, delete, or modify a button on a list

L_BUTTONSET - Define the placement of a set of buttons on a list

%L_BUTTONSTATE - Enable or disable a button on a list

L_CHR - Perform single-keystroke input to a list

L_CLASS - Create a list class at runtime

%L_CLASSINFO - Return information about a list class

L_CREATE - Create a list

L_CTRCONTEXT - Establish focus within a child list window

L_DATA - Manipulate the data in a list

L_DELETE - Delete a list

L_DISABLE - Disable a list

L_ENABLE - Enable a list

L_FINDSPEC - Specify parameters for a find operation

%L_FINDWND - Construct a find window for L_SELECT

L_GLOBAL - Promote a list to global status

%L_ICON - Set a list icon

L_INPFLD - Perform single-field input within a list

L_INPUT - Perform input to a set within a list

L_METHOD - Register a list method

L_NEXT - Set selected item by number

L_PLACE - Place a list

L_PROCESS - Process a list

L_QUEUE - Queue commands for a list

L_REMOVE - Remove a list

L_RESIZE - Resize a list

L_RESTART - Restart a list

L_RETURNKEY - Set the return state of privatized keys

L_SECT - Place text in a list header, footer, or title

L_SECTDRAW - Draw a line in a list header or footer

L_SELECT - Do list selection processing

%L_SELSTYLE - Retrieve/change the selection style for a list

L_STATE - Modify a list’s state

L_STATUS - Retrieve the status of a list

%L_USER - Set/retrieve user data associated with a list

L_VIEW - Shift the horizontal display area of a list

LARRIVE_METHOD / LLEAVE_METHOD - Perform list item arrive or leave processing

LDBLCLICK_METHOD - Perform list item double-click processing

LLOAD_METHOD - Perform list item “load” processing