Get a property for an ActiveX control

WSupported on Windows




xcall AX_TKGET(tk_container_id, property, current_value[, parameters])


The window ID for the ActiveX control’s Toolkit container. (n)


The name of the property to access. For information on supported properties, see Published properties for ActiveX Toolkit lists and Properties for ActiveX objects. (a)


A field that will be loaded with the current value for the property. (a)


(optional) Up to eight additional parameters required by a property. (a or n)

AX_TKGET enables you to retrieve an ActiveX control’s properties. However, you can use this subroutine only if you used %AX_TKSINGLE or %GRID_CREATE to create the container and load the control. Note the following:

Make sure the data type of current_value has meaning within the context of the specified property. If it does not, the results are undefined.

The parameters argument can pass only integer values. It cannot be used to pass additional parameters for a property that expects alpha parameters.

It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the data type of current_value has meaning within the context of the specified property. If it does not, the results are undefined.

Some controls support indexed properties, which are stored as arrays in a control and have one or more indices. If the property is an indexed property, parameters must be the index values of the array element to reference. The user documentation for a given control should specify when a property is indexed.

On Unix, a call to this routine will cause an error. On OpenVMS, this routine is ignored.

See the Examples for %AX_TKCALL.