Using the Script-to-Repository conversion utility (scridl)

The scridl utility helps you move field information from existing script files into a repository. Conversion is a two-step process:

1. Run the scridl utility to generate a Synergy Data Language file.
2. Update an existing repository using Repository’s Load Repository Schema utility.

Running scridl

Scridl creates a Synergy Data Language file containing input field information extracted from the script file. Non-input windows, such as .WINDOW and .COLUMN, are ignored.


If your .INPUT window scripts do not contain .STRUCTURE statements, you must add them so that scridl knows which structure to add/update in the repository.

1. Run scridl on your script file, using the syntax in the table below.


Do this…

Windows and Unix

At a command prompt, enter

dbr WND:scridl


At a command prompt, enter

run WND:scridl

An input window is displayed on the screen. (See figure 1.)

2. Specify the names of the target repository main file and text file in the fields provided.

1. Scridl input window.

3. In the Script file field, specify the name of the existing script file.

A new script file is generated with a .new extension. This file references the structures in the repository above. (Repository filenames are added only if they override the default filename.)

A Synergy Data Language file is generated with an .sdl extension. If errors occur during the conversion, an error log file is created with an .err extension. (See Errors during conversion.) All of these files inherit the name of the original script file but with different extensions.

4. Specify whether you want to update the existing repository structures.

Select Yes if you want scridl to update any existing repository structures that have the same names as structures in your script file. (This comparison is not case sensitive.) For each matching structure, scridl will do the following:

If all of these tests pass, all the other script qualifiers for this field will be copied to the Synergy Data Language repository field specification and removed from the output script specification. (Exceptions to this rule are the formats for date- and time-type fields.)

Select No if you want scridl to ignore structure names that already exist in the repository. The output script remains unchanged for these structures.

5. Specify whether you want to create new repository structures.

Select Yes if you want scridl to do the following when it encounters structure names that are not in the repository:

Select No if you want scridl to ignore any new structure names not already in the repository. The output script remains unchanged for these structures, even if it refers to these new names.

6. Use the Synergy Data Language file (filename.sdl) to update an existing repository. See Load Repository Schema utility for complete instructions.

When the Load Repository Schema utility prompts you to merge the schema, select Yes. You then will be prompted for how to handle new and existing definitions found in the file: Select Yes at the “Add new?” prompt, and select Overlay at the “Change existing?” prompt.

Errors during conversion

If any errors occur while running scridl, they are logged in the error log file (script_filename.err), and a message is displayed on the screen indicating the number of errors found.

The same message is also written to the end of the Synergy Data Language output file (script_filename.sdl) and the script output file (, to prevent compiling of these files from occurring without modification. We recommend that you review scripts before converting and review the output Synergy Data Language and script files before using them.