Update a scroll bar window


USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall U_UPDATESB(scroll_id, maximum, current)


The ID of the scroll bar window. (n)


The new maximum value. (n)


The new current value. (n)

U_UPDATESB updates a scroll bar window in Unix and OpenVMS environments. (This routine does work on Windows, but the results are non-standard.)

A scroll bar’s progress/regress indicator shows the relationship of what is currently displayed versus the total possible. (For example, you may only be viewing 10 out of a possible 100 entries in a list.) This relationship is referred to as the “ratio of current to maximum.”

The ratio of current to maximum is used to determine the placement of the progress/regress indicator within the scroll bar window. There are a few special cases where this ratio is superseded:

The endpoint indicators, if used, are displayed according to the following rules:

The following example would place the indicator at position 1. This could indicate that the user is viewing the first part of the list. If present, the endpoint indicators would be showing “no more at beginning” and “more at end.”

xcall u_updatesb(scrlid, 50, 1)

The second example updates the indicator which could reflect that the user is viewing approximately the middle of the list. If present, the endpoint indicators would be showing “more at beginning” and “more at end.”

xcall u_updatesb(scrlid, 50, 25)