Pop up a Windows-style message box

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
button = %U_MSGBOX(message, [styles], [title], [select_col][, help_id])


xcall U_MSGBOX(message, [styles], [title], [select_col][, help_id])


False if the user doesn’t select a message box button, but instead tries to select a menu entry. If a message box button is selected, returns the corresponding option: (^VAL)

D_MIDOK = OK button selected.

D_MIDCANCEL = Cancel button selected.

D_MIDABORT = Abort button selected.

D_MIDRETRY = Retry button selected.

D_MIDIGNORE = Ignore button selected.

D_MIDYES = Yes button selected.

D_MIDNO = No button selected.


The message text or string. (a)


(optional) One or more style options to set values for the dialog box, the buttons and the icon on the dialog box, and modality. See the Styles options table. If styles is not passed, %U_MSGBOX defaults to the documented default values. (n)


(optional) The title of the message box. (a)


(optional) The selection column ID (Unix and OpenVMS only). (n)


(optional) The help identifier, which is passed to EHELP_METHOD if the user selects “O_HELP” while in this function. (a)

%U_MSGBOX pops up a Windows-style message box.

If a time-out occurs on Unix or OpenVMS, g_select is set to true and g_entnam is set to the entry name specified in tkctl.def for g_time_entry. By default, g_time_entry is defined as “O_TIMEOUT”. %U_MSGBOX cannot time out on Windows.

Message is wrapped according to the same rules as apply to the U_MESSAGE subroutine.

The styles argument enables you to set optional values for the dialog box, the buttons and the icon on the dialog box, and modality. The dialog box, icon, and modality options have no effect on Unix and OpenVMS. See the table below for valid options.

The following options, defined in tools.def, can be combined using .BOR. or the vertical bar (|) operator.

Styles options






Center dialog box over application window (Not available in Synergy .NET)



OK button only (default)


OK and Cancel buttons


Abort, Retry, Ignore buttons


Yes, No, Cancel buttons


Yes and No buttons


Retry and Cancel buttons

Default button


Set default to first button (default)


Set default to second button


Set default to third button

Icon style (no icon is the default)


Stop sign


Question mark (?)


Exclamation point (!)


Information (i)



Application modal (default)


System modal

If you omit title in a Windows environment with traditional Synergy, the message box inherits the application’s window title. With Synergy .NET, the default title is the Windows default, “Error”. In Unix and OpenVMS environments, the default for title is blank.

On Unix and OpenVMS, if select_col is passed and non-zero, the specified column is placed on the menu and removed on exit. As an alternative, you can place the column before calling %U_MSGBOX. The default behavior for each environment’s handling of columns is controlled by the g_plc_col_args flag, which is defined in the distributed tkctl.def file. See g_plc_col_args for information.

On Windows, select_col is ignored. (Columns passed as select_col usually contain reserved menu entries that are automatically supported on Windows. Excessive placing and removing of columns causes Windows menu bars to flicker.)

The following example pops up a window titled “Inquire” that contains the text “Error opening file”. On Unix and OpenVMS, a single-item selection window is displayed containing the item “OK”. On Windows, a stop sign icon is displayed, along with an OK button. See figure 1.

rtn = %u_msgbox("Error opening file", D_MOK|D_MICONSTOP, "Inquire")

If the user selected “OK”, rtn would contain D_MIDOK. If the user selected a menu entry (available only on Unix and OpenVMS), rtn would be false, and g_select would be true.

1. Sample %U_MSGBOX window for Unix or OpenVMS (left) and Windows (right).

Sample %U_MSGBOX window

Sample %U_MSGBOX window