Using the xfpl.ini file

The xfpl.ini file is read by xfpl.dbr each time an xfServerPlus session is started. This file contains the settings that are used to specify logging options, compression, the base channel number for opening files, and—on Windows and Unix—the logicals that point to your ELBs.


Be sure there is a hard return (CRLF) at end of the final logical definition in your xfpl.ini file. You may want to just add a couple of blank lines at the end of the file. This will ensure that all logicals in the file are read.

The settings in the xfpl.ini file, together with the settings in the synrc file or registry entry, create the environment that xfServerPlus runs in.

The default location for xfpl.ini is the DBLDIR directory. If you place the xfpl.ini file in a different location, set the XFPL_INIPATH environment variable to point to that location (see Setting the XFPL_INIPATH environment variable).

If xfServerPlus encounters errors while reading the xfpl.ini file, they will be logged and then the connection will be terminated. By default, these errors are logged to the application event log (Windows), syslog (Unix), or operator console (OpenVMS). If xfServerPlus logging is turned on (see Setting options for the xfServerPlus log), errors will also be recorded in the xfServerPlus log (xfpl.log by default).


See Appendix A: Configuration Settings for a complete list of the xfpl.ini file configuration settings.

Using an alternate xfpl.ini file

There may be times when it would be convenient to use an alternate xfpl.ini file. At runtime, each instance of xfServerPlus can reference only a single xfpl.ini file; however, if you have multiple instances of xfServerPlus running on different ports, they can each reference a separate xfpl.ini file if desired.

To set up your system to use an alternate xfpl.ini, you need to do the following:

Setting the XFPL_INIPATH environment variable

Setting XFPL_INIPATH on Windows

On Windows, use the Synergy Configuration Program to set environment variables for xfServerPlus in the registry. You can set XFPL_INIPATH for all instances of xfServerPlus or for a specific instance of xfServerPlus.

To set XFPL_INIPATH for all instances of xfServerPlus

This procedure sets XFPL_INIPATH in the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Synergex\Synergy xfServer\Synrc.

1. Start the Synergy Configuration Program (from the Windows Control Panel, select Synergy Control Panel > Synergy Configuration Program) and go to the xfServer/xfServerPlus tab.
2. Select Default from the list of services, click the Modify Service button, and then click the Environment Settings button.
3. Click the Add button that is grouped with the “Settings for all services” list.
4. Type the variable name (XFPL_INIPATH) and value in the Add Environment Setting dialog box, and click OK.
5. Click OK in the xfServer Information dialog box, and then click Apply in the Synergy Configuration Program.
6. You’ll be prompted to stop and restart all services so that the new settings take effect. Click Yes.

To set XFPL_INIPATH for a specific instance of xfServerPlus

This procedure sets XFPL_INIPATH in the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Synergex\Synergy xfServer\ serviceName\Synrc. This setting overrides the “all instances” setting for a specific instance of xfServerPlus.

1. Start the Synergy Configuration Program (from the Windows Control Panel, select Synergy Control Panel > Synergy Configuration Program) and go to the xfServer/xfServerPlus tab.
2. Select the service from the list, click the Modify Service button, and then click the Environment Settings button.
3. Click the Add button that is grouped with the “Settings for service name” list.
4. Type the variable name (XFPL_INIPATH) and value in the Add Environment Setting dialog box, and click OK.
5. Click OK in the xfServerPlus Information dialog box, and then click Apply in the Synergy Configuration Program. The service will be stopped and restarted.

Setting XFPL_INIPATH on Unix

On Unix, the xfServerPlus service reads settings from the environment and from the synrc file. There is a synrc file at the system level in the /etc directory, and a .synrc file at the user level in the user’s $HOME directory. At the system level, xfServerPlus supports both a generic synrc file and a port-specific synrc file. See below for details.


To include comments in the synrc file, precede the comment with a number sign (#).


XFPL_INIPATH should be set in SYNRC.COM. (Note that logicals defined in SYNRC.COM are case sensitive.)


Although we recommend elsewhere that logicals be set in DBLDIR:SERVER_INIT.COM, you should not set XFPL_INIPATH in this file. SERVER_INIT.COM is invoked by a command in the SYNERGY_STARTUP.COM file after rsynd has started. This means that XFPL_INIPATH will not be executed until after the initial xfServerPlus sessions are started. In contrast, SYNRC.COM is read and processed each time an xfServerPlus session is started. Although using SYNRC.COM results in slower start-up, placing XFPL_INIPATH in SYNRC.COM is the only way to ensure that all xfServerPlus sessions are using the correct XFPL.INI file. For additional information on defining rsynd logicals on OpenVMS, see Defining logical names for xfServer processes.


where altdir is the directory in which the XFPL.INI file is located.