Method reference

Procedural methods

These methods are included in the procedural classes in your Synergy assembly.


public void connect()

Sends a request to xfServerPlus for a dedicated session and connects on the host and port defined in the application configuration file or, if those values are not defined in a config file, on the default host and port. See Connect to xfServerPlus.

public void connect(string host, int port)

Sends a request to xfServerPlus for a dedicated session and connects to the specified host name on the specified port. Use this method to override at runtime the host and port specified in the configuration file (or the default host and port).

host – the name or IP address of the xfServerPlus machine

port – the port number that xfServerPlus is listening on.

public void connect(int scl)

Sends a request to xfServerPlus for a dedicated session and connects on the host and port defined in the application configuration file or, if those values are not defined in a config file, on the default host and port. Use this method to override at runtime the default security compliance level (scl).

scl – the security compliance level. One of the following:

0 = Always use the current xfNetLink .NET default

1 = (No longer valid; removed in Synergy/DE 11.1 )

2 = Use protocols TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and higher

3 = Use protocols TLS 1.2 and higher (default)

If encryption is enabled and you use a connect() method that does not specify the security compliance level, the default is used. The security compliance level should be set to the same value on the xfNetLink machine as it is on the xfServerPlus machine. For more information about the security compliance level and encryption in general, see Using xfServerPlus encryption.


In 11.1.1g, support for an scl value of 3 was added and it was made the default. This enables you to enforce TLS 1.2.

public void connect(string host, int port, int scl)

Sends a request to xfServerPlus for a dedicated session and connects to the specified host name on the specified port. Use this method to override at runtime the host and port specified in the configuration file (or the default host and port setting), as well as the default security compliance level (scl).

host – the name or IP address of the xfServerPlus machine

port – the port number that xfServerPlus is listening on.

scl – the security compliance level. For details, see the description of the scl parameter in the connect() method above.


public void debugInit(ref string listen_ip, ref int listen_port)

Starts a connection to xfServerPlus so that you can manually connect an xfServerPlus session in debug mode. See Running an xfServerPlus session in debug mode from xfNetLink .NET.

listen_ip – returns the IP address, in hex, where the client is listening

listen_port – returns the port number where the client is listening


public void debugStart()

Completes the process of connecting in debug mode that was started by debugInit(). See Running an xfServerPlus session in debug mode from xfNetLink .NET.

public void debugStart(int scl)

Completes the process of connecting in debug mode that was started by debugInit() and overrides the default security compliance level (scl). See Running an xfServerPlus session in debug mode from xfNetLink .NET.

scl – the security compliance level. One of the following:

0 = Always use the current xfNetLink .NET default

1 = (No longer valid; removed in Synergy/DE 11.1 )

2 = Use protocols TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and higher

3 = Use protocols TLS 1.2 and higher (default)


public void disconnect()

Sends a message to close the xfServerPlus connection. See Disconnect from xfServerPlus.


public object getConnect()

Gets the already-established connection of the specified object. See Connect to xfServerPlus. This method is not included in assemblies built for pooling.


public string getUserString()

Returns the user string currently stored by setUserString(). See Writing to the xfServerPlus log.


public void setCallTimeout(int seconds)

Sets the call time-out value, which measures the length of time that the client waits for a return from a remote call. See Setting a call time-out programmatically.

seconds – the number of seconds you want the xfNetLink .NET client to wait for a return from a call to xfServerPlus. The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).


public void setUserString(string userString)

Passes a user string to the xfServerPlus log. See Writing to the xfServerPlus log.

userString – the text that you want to write to the xfServerPlus log


public void shareConnect(object connection)

Shares the specified connection. See Connect to xfServerPlus. This method is not included in assemblies built for pooling.

connection – the object that represents the connection

Structure methods

These methods are included in the structure classes in your assembly. See Using the Clone() and Equals() methods for more information and examples.


public object Clone()

Returns an exact copy (including data) of the structure class on which it is called.


public Boolean Equals(structClass instance)

Tests whether the current structure class (i.e., the one on which the method is called) and the passed structure class contain the same data. Returns true if they do and false if they do not.

instance – the instance of the structure class to be compared to the current class

DataTable methods

These methods are included in the DataTable classes in your assembly. See Using DataTables for more information and examples.


public void AddRow(structClass instance) 

Adds a new row after the last row in the DataTable.

instance – the instance of the structure class to add

public void AddRow(structClass instance, int rowPos)

Adds a new row at the specified location in the DataTable; the existing rows shift down one position.

instance – the instance of the structure class to add

rowPos – the position in the DataTable where you want to insert the row


public void GetRow(ref structClass instance, int rowPos)

Returns a row from a DataTable as an instance of a structure class.

instance – returns an instance of the structure class

rowPos – the position in the DataTable of the row to return


public ArrayList GetRows()

Returns all rows in the DataTable as an ArrayList of structures.