Perform input to a set within a list

WTSupported in traditional Synergy on Windows
WNSupported in Synergy .NET on Windows
USupported on UNIX
VSupported on OpenVMS
xcall L_INPUT(list_id, [set_name], record, [data], [disabled], [input_column], 
&     [select_column], [edit_column], [D_NOTERM], [init_char], {reserved}
&     [, a_methoddata1, ..., a_methoddata20])



The ID of the list. (n)


(optional) The name of the input set. (a)


The input set’s record. (a)


(optional) The non-window list item data. (a)


(optional) The disabled item status. (n)


(optional) The input column ID. (n)


(optional) The selection column ID. (n)


(optional) The edit column ID. (n)


(optional) The flag that tells L_INPUT to skip set termination processing. (n)


(optional) The first character to input (specified as a decimal value). (n)


Placeholder. Add an additional comma if specifying any a_methoddata arguments.

a_methoddata1 through a_methoddata20

(optional) Up to 20 additional data arguments. (any)


L_INPUT performs essentially the same function as the input subroutine I_INPUT, but targeted to an input set contained within a list. See I_INPUT for information on the arguments you can pass to L_INPUT and the menu entries recognized by L_INPUT, and note that if you are using L_SELECT, you do not need to call this subroutine because L_SELECT handles list input.

When this subroutine returns, one of the following has occurred:

L_INPUT calls L_PROCESS to update the current item before performing input. This means that you should include the fourth argument (data) in order to preserve the list item data.

Whether or not the data argument is passed must correspond to whether it was passed in the L_CREATE subroutine when the list was created. Note the following:

Disabled is a true/false flag that indicates whether the current item is disabled. Whether or not the disabled argument is passed depends on whether it was passed to L_CREATE. See L_PROCESS for information about the disabled item status.

The D_NOTERM flag is ignored on Windows. The input window is always treated as if D_NOTERM were specified. This is necessary to support item-to-item movement within the list during input.

On Windows, the user can change the current item in the list with the mouse or the Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, and arrow keys before this subroutine returns. Therefore, if you want any special processing to be done when arriving at or leaving a list item, you will have to write and use an arrive or leave method. (In Windows environments, these keys are “privatized” and unavailable to calling routines unless you use L_RETURNKEY to return the key out of the list. “Privatized” means that they are reserved for the private use of the graphical control, which in this case would be the list.)

L_INPUT has the following limitations on Windows:

On UNIX and OpenVMS, if init_char is passed, it is converted to its alpha (ASCII) equivalent and placed into the field as if it were the first character entered by the user. On Windows, init_char is ignored.

A_methoddata1 through a_methoddata20 are up to 20 additional optional arguments that can be passed to L_INPUT. L_INPUT, in turn, passes them directly to each field’s methods. This allows you to communicate additional information to your input field methods.


Toolkit passes the method data arguments to the current list processing routine (L_PROCESS, L_INPUT, or L_SELECT) and to the list methods. Thus, if you pass data arguments to one list processing routine, to ensure these arguments are always available, you must pass them to all the list processing routines.

See also