Monitor utility for UNIX



USupported on UNIX


You can audit your client/server system’s activities with the Synergy/DE xfServer’s Monitor feature.

With the Monitor running, you can display the following:

When to use the Monitor

You may want to run the Monitor whenever you run Synergy/DE xfServer, or run it only when you need to troubleshoot any problems that may be occurring on the system. Depending on your client/server setup, running with the Monitor always turned on may decrease your system’s performance.

The primary purposes for running the Monitor are the following:

Running the Monitor

To run the Monitor, specify one of the following option combinations on the rsynd command line:

These options are also listed in the QUERY syntax table.

-m option

rsynd -m

The -m option

-m -l option

rsynd -m -l debugfile

The -m -l option

Debugfile is located in /usr/tmp (or /var/tmp if /usr/tmp can’t be found). If you are using an alternate port, the port number is appended to the filename. For example, /usr/tmp/rmoncore is created by the default rsynd running on port 2330, and /usr/tmp/rmoncore.2345 is created for the rsynd running on port 2345.

-m -t option

rsynd –m –t minutes

The -m -t option

The -m -t option is necessary if you plan to use the -v option when you query for client/server information. (See the QUERY syntax table for information on the -v query option.)


If you use this option, you should keep track of the size of the rmoncore file. It could fill your disk if left running for a long period of time.

Displaying Monitor information

Once you have started the Monitor program, you can request information about the system using the QUERY command with any of the available options.

The following table lists the QUERY syntax for each type of query available.

QUERY syntax


What it gives you

query -g

Global information. This is information such as start times (both xfServer and Monitor), the total number of packets that have been received and/or sent, and total bytes that have been received or sent.

query -a min

Alarm value change. The value passed in min is the number of minutes between each write to the rmoncore file. For example, if you enter query -a 60, the Monitor writes to rmoncore every 60 minutes. If min has a value of 0, the timed logging to rmoncore (the -t option) is turned off. If you pass a nonzero value when the timed logging is off, timed logging will be turned on (even if -t was not specified).

query -c

Clear (reset) Monitor global variables.

query -e

Error log. Shows the number of packets that were returned with error status instead of performing the client request.

query -f

File information on the last 300 accessed files.

query -h

Help listing for all these query options.

query -l

Latest information since last reset.

query -n

Names of files accessed and the last accessed time for each listed file.

query -p

Process information (current client information).

query -P port option

Alternate port. Query an xfServer monitor running on a port other than the default (2330). For example, if you enter query -P 2345 -p, you will get process information from the monitor running on port 2345. If you enter query -P 2231 -g, you will get global information from the monitor running on port 2231. If you start rsynd on the default port (rsynd -m), you don’t have to specify -P port.

query -v

View the rmoncore file. This is available only if -m -t was specified to start the Monitor. (See -m -t option for more information.)

Sample output from the Monitor utility

query or query -g

Server is up for 0 day(s) 0 hour(s) 3 minute(s) and 9 second(s)
   Total current clients      :  1
   Total current open files   :  1
   Total clients' connections :  2
   Total files accessed       :  2
   Total Data packets         :  2473
   Total Data packets size    :  123546
   Total packets              :  4968
   Total packets size         :  268719
   Total error packets        :  2
   Total error packets' size  :  71
   Error packets percentage   :  0.0%
   Error pkts size percentage :  0.0%



Total current clients

The total number of clients currently connected to this instance of xfServer.

Total current open files

The total number of files currently open across all connections.

Total clients’ connections

The total number of connections since the Monitor was started.

Total files accessed

The total number of files accessed since the Monitor was started.

Total Data packets

The total number of data packets sent to and from this instance of xfServer. A data packet is defined as a record either sent to xfServer using a STORE or WRITE statement or received from xfServer using a READ statement.

Total Data packets size

The total number of data bytes sent and received. The data bytes refer to the record data only (not including overhead).

Total packets

The total number of communication packets sent and received from xfServer. This includes data and handshaking packets.

Total packet size

The total number of bytes sent and received by xfServer from all packets.

Total error packets

The total number of errors recorded by xfServer. There is no distinction between innocuous and fatal errors here. See query -e for an itemized list of errors detected.

Total error packets’ size

The total number of bytes used in send and receive packets during error conditions.

Error packets percentage

The percentage of error packets against all other packets.

Error pkts size percentage

The percentage of error packet bytes against overall packet bytes.

query -e

err cnt    caused by
-------    ---------
      1    READS 

query -f

file name  time  cr co  ac  op  fl  del  stor read  write  pkt#     size
test.ism   16:10  0  0   1   1   0   0   100  1007     0   1107    55298
fred.ism   16:11  1  0   1   1   0   0  1354    12     0   1366    68248



file name

The name of the file being analyzed. Only the rightmost 17 bytes of filenames accessed will be displayed. Run query -n to identify the full path names.


The last time this file was accessed.


The total number of times this file has been created with ISAMC since the Monitor was started.


The current number of connections to this file (at the instant query was run).


The total number of times this file has been accessed (with OPEN or ISAMC) since the Monitor was started.


The total number of times this file has been opened by an xfServer client since the Monitor was started.


The total number of times a FLUSH has been sent to this file since the Monitor was started.


The total number of times a record has been deleted (with DELETE) since the Monitor was started.


The total number of times a record has been stored (with STORE) since the Monitor was started.


The total number of times a record has been read (with READ or READS) since the Monitor was started.


The total number of times a record has been written (with WRITE or WRITES) since the Monitor was started.


The total number of packets sent and received while accessing this file since the Monitor was started.


The total size of all packets sent and received while accessing this file since the Monitor was started.

query -l

The output for query -l is similar to that of query and query -g except it may report on totals since the last time Monitor global variables were cleared (with query -c).

query -n

 date  time       file name
------ --------   -------------------
Nov 20 16:43:05   /usr1/data/test.ism
Nov 20 16:11:48   /usr1/data/fred.ism
Nov 20 16:35:02   /usr2/sde64/synergy6/test/rnt/test.ism

query -p

User Name         : synuser
Host Name         :
Host IP Address   :
Log on time       : Nov 20 17:00:05
Clear             : 0
Rename            : 0
Remove            : 0
Current Open file : 1
Pkts #            : 2622
Size total        : 123498
E_pkt #           : 1
E_Size            : 71
File accessed     : File Name  co del  read  write  store   pkts    size
                    test.ism   1   0   1208     0    100     1308   65348
                    data.ism   2   0   1903   123    121    12321  123412



User Name

The name of the user.

Host Name

The name of the xfServer host machine.

Host IP Address

The IP address of the xfServer host machine.

Log on time

The time at which the user logged on to make the connection.


The total number of times this connected user has performed a clear operation (XCALL ISCLR) for this connection only.


The total number of times this connected user has performed a rename operation (XCALL RENAM) for this connection only.

Current open file

The total number of files open by this connected user at this time.

Pkts #

The total number of overall packets sent and received from this connection.

Size total

The total number of bytes for the number of packets for this connection.

E_pkt # and E_Size

The total number of error packets and bytes for this connection.

File accessed

The files currently open by this connection.


The total number of times this connection has the file open.


The total number of records in this file that have been deleted by this connection.


The total number of records in this file that have been read (with READ or READS) by this connection.


The total number of records in this file that have been written (with STORE, WRITE, or WRITES) by this connection.

pkts and size

The total number of packets and the size of all packets sent and received while this connection has been accessing this file.

query -v

 date   time     cp cf ct ft e_pkt e_size d_pkts  d_size   pkts    size
Nov 20 16:12:01  0  0  2   2   2     71    2473   123546   4968   268719
Nov 20 16:35:01  1  1  3   3   0      0       2     2048     10     2872
Nov 20 16:36:01  0  0  3   3   0      0       3     3072      8     3318
Nov 20 16:37:01  0  0  5   4   2    138       0        0     16      915
Nov 20 16:42:01  1  1  6   4   0      0       1       50      8      502
Nov 20 16:43:01  0  0  6   4   0      0       0        0      2       36
Nov 20 16:44:07  0  0  7   4   0      0       0        0      8      418
Nov 20 17:01:00  1  1  9   4   4    142    2510   125396   5038   298110
Nov 20 17:17:05  2  2  3   1   0      0       0        0     24     1376
Nov 20 17:21:05  1  1  3   1   0      0       0        0      2       36




The total number of clients currently connected to this instance of xfServer (same as “Total current clients” from query -g) since the last interval.


The total number of files that are currently open across all connections (same as “Total current open files” from query -g) since the last interval.


The total number of connections since the monitor was started. (same as “Total clients’ connections” from query -g) since the last interval.


The total number of files accessed since the monitor was started (same as “Total files accessed” from query -g) since the last interval.

e_pkt and e_size

The total number of errors recorded by xfServer and the total number of bytes used in send and receive packets during error conditions (same as “Total error packets” and “Total error packets’ size” from query -g) since the last interval.

d_pkts and d_size

The total number of data packets sent to and from this instance of xfServer and the total number of data bytes sent and received (same as “Total Data packets” and “Total Data packet size” from query -g) since the last interval.

pkts and size

The total number of communication packets sent and received from xfServer and the total number of bytes sent and received by xfServer from all packets (same as “Total packets” and “Total packets’ size” from query -g) since the last interval.