Set the display area for an input window

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall I_DSPAREA(window_id, [orig_row], [orig_col], [height][, width]) 


The ID of the input window to affect. (n)


(optional) The new origin row for the display area. (n)


(optional) The new origin column for the display area. (n)


(optional) The new height for the display area in number of rows. (n)


(optional) The new width for the display area in number of columns. (n)

I_DSPAREA sets the display area for an input window.

If any of the optional arguments are omitted, their corresponding display area coordinates are unaffected. The resulting values are passed directly to the Synergy DBL W_AREA subroutine, where any limitations are applied.

You should use this subroutine when setting the display area for an input window. After changing the actual display area, the input window’s internal control data is updated to reflect the resulting display area. This ensures that the input processor will move the display area as needed to make input fields visible.

If you use this subroutine for a non-input window, a fatal error occurs. For non-input windows, directly call the W_AREA subroutine.

W_AREA routine

The following example sets the display area for the input window whose ID is contained in inpid. The new display area will begin at row 1, column 1 in the window, and will be 10 rows high and 78 columns wide.

xcall i_dsparea(inpid, 1, 1, 10, 78) 

The next example moves the display area origin row to row 10 of the window. The origin column, height, and width remain unchanged.

xcall i_dsparea(inpid, 10)