Moving your application to other systems

You can deploy your application on any of the platforms supported by Synergy/DE while maintaining a single set of source code for your entire application. It does not matter on which platform your application was developed or to which platform you want to deploy.

Moving customized files to other systems

Most of the following provide two ways to move files, depending on whether or not the destination system has the same endian type as the original system. If you’re unsure of your system’s endian type, see Endian types for a list of the endian types of various systems.

Moving key mapping files

Follow the rules in Moving database files to other systems.

Moving text message files

To move Synergy/DE text message files to another system, do one of the following:

Moving window library files

To move your window library files to another system, do one of the following:

Moving to Windows from a non-Windows system

If your existing Toolkit application runs on non-Windows little-endian systems and was compiled and linked with the same versions running on Windows, it will work with Synergy/DE on Windows. You will just need to do the following:

1. Copy any Toolkit window libraries from your other little-endian system to your Windows system.
2. If your application is currently linked with tklib.olb, relink with the Toolkit’s executable library, tklib.elb.

If your existing Toolkit application runs on non-Windows big-endian systems and was compiled and linked with the same versions running on Windows, it will work with Synergy/DE on Windows. You will need to do the following:

1. Recompile and relink your application with the Toolkit’s executable library, tklib.elb.
2. Rescript your window libraries on Windows.

For more information on recompiling and relinking, see Building and Running Synergy Applications.

Some Toolkit differences on Windows

System menu

For an application window, the system menu is always displayed.

For general windows, input windows, selection windows, and lists, the system menu is displayed if a window close, size, minimize, or maximize method is registered using the D_EVENT_XXX options in the %U_WNDEVENTS function.

Close box

For an application window, the close box is displayed by default.

For general windows, input windows, selection windows, and lists, a close box is displayed if a close window method has been registered using the D_EVENT_CLOSE option in the D_CREATE subfunction of %U_WNDEVENTS. When the user clicks the close box, the close window method is called. It is common for this method to simply signal a menu entry such as O_ABANDON using %M_SIGNAL, which the input loop is already set up to handle.