Add a blank row to a new column

WSupported on Windows
USupported on Unix
VSupported on OpenVMS
NSupported in Synergy .NET
xcall MB_BLANK(control) 


The menu control structure. (a)

MB_BLANK adds a blank row to a new menu column. It is used when building a menu column at runtime. The added blank row is not a blank entry; it’s just a row that contains no text.

On Windows, blank rows can be highlighted, but the user will not be able to select them.

The following subroutine uses all the “MB_xxx” commands to build a menu at runtime.

main mbdemo 
.include "WND:tools.def" 
.include "WND:inpctl.def" 
  colid      ,i4 
  ctl        ,a12000 
  xcall u_start 
  xcall mb_column(ctl, "c_general", "General", D_GLOBAL) 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "O_HELP", "Help", F1_KEY) 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "O_EXIT", "Exit", F4_KEY) 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "U_ABOUT", "About") 
  xcall mb_line(ctl) 
  xcall mb_text(ctl, "Hot Entries", 2) 
  xcall mb_blank(ctl) 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "U_VIEW", "View", F3_KEY,,,, TRUE) 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "U_DIR", "Directory", F2_KEY,,,, TRUE) 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "U_EDITREND", "Renditions") 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "U_EDITKEYS", "Key mapping") 
  xcall mb_entry(ctl, "U_APP", "Application Keypad",,,"p") 
  xcall mb_list(ctl, "LIBOPEN", 2, "U_VIEW", "U_DIR") 
  xcall mb_end(ctl, colid) 
  xcall m_process 
  xcall u_finish 