Describe an enumeration definition

ENUMERATION name [DESCRIPTION "description"] [LONG DESCRIPTION "long_desc"] 
MEMBERS member [value] [, member [value]] [, ...]


The name of a new or existing enumeration. This name can have a maximum of 30 characters.

DESCRIPTION “description”

(optional) A description of the enumeration. It can have a maximum of 40 characters and must be enclosed in double or single quotation marks ( “ ” or ‘ ’ ).


(optional) A more detailed description of the enumeration and its use. It can contain 30 lines of up to 60 characters each. Each line must be enclosed in double or single quotation marks ( “ ” or ‘ ’ ).

MEMBERS member [value]

Specifies the name of an enumeration member. This name can have a maximum of 30 characters. An enumeration must have at least one member. You can separate multiple members (or member/value pairs) with a comma.

The optional value argument specifies the member value, which must be a number. If specified, value must be on the same line as member.

The ENUMERATION statement is used to describe an enumeration definition. An enumeration is a set of related values, which has a name and one or more members associated with it.

When specifying members and values, the pair cannot be split over two lines. See the examples in General usage rules.

Adding new definitions

The maximum number of enumerations that can be defined is 9,999. The maximum number of members that can be defined for an enumeration is 100. An enumeration must have at least one member. The order in which you specify members determines their order in the enumeration.

Replacing existing definitions

All required keywords and data must be specified. The existing enumeration and all its members are cleared and replaced by the specified enumeration and members.

Overlaying existing definitions

All members must be respecified when you overlay one or more members.

ENUMERATION colors DESCRIPTION "Colors of the rainbow"
MEMBERS red 1, orange 2, yellow 3, green 4, blue 5, indigo 6, violet 7