dbcreate errors and warning messages


This topic lists errors and warnings you may encounter when using the dbcreate utility. For information on using the dbcreate utility, see Generating the system catalog and dbcreate utility.

Field_name too big, must be less than 65535 bytes

The repository field field_name is too large for xfODBC. For xfODBC, repository fields cannot be larger than 65,534 bytes.

ASCII Structure structure_name: no keys found

ASCII files do not have keys. This is an informational message.

Cannot open logfile log_file

The specified log file name or path cannot be used. Check the filename, path, file permissions, and available disk space.

Column column_name maximum name length exceeded

The column column_name has exceeded 30 characters and has been truncated. This is most likely to occur with groups, struct fields, and arrays. Use the group prefix or Alternate name to create shorter names.

Column column_name, unsupported date type: coltype

The column uses an unsupported date format mask (YYPP, YYYYPP, or RRPP). Define the field as user-defined in the repository and modify xfodbcusr.dll for Windows, XFODBCUSR.so for Unix or xfodbcusr_so.exe for OpenVMS to properly handle columns with these data types. See Creating Routines for User-Defined Data Types for more information.

Caution: Table table_name, key key_name, literal literal_name value does not match table tag value, relation dropped

A relation has a literal segment whose value does not match the tag criteria for the related segment. Change the literal segment to match tag criteria.

DDINFO-ERR: Cannot open filename

The specified file could not be found.

DDINFO-ERR: ddc_keyx called with a null

This is an internal error. Call Synergy/DE Developer Support.

DDINFO-ERR: ddc_keyx dc_io() failure

This is an internal error. Call Synergy/DE Developer Support.

DDINFO-ERR: Error opening conversion setup file filename

The specified conversion setup file cannot be found.

DDINFO-ERR: Field field_name exceeds maximum 2000: length

The length of field field_name exceeds the maximum allowable length of 2000 bytes. Shorten the field name.

DDINFO-ERR: Field field_name is used as a key segment

The arrayed field field_name is a key segment in the repository. This is not supported. To work around this, create an overlay that consists of the entire array.

DDINFO-ERR: No fields defined for structure: structure_name

The structure structure_name does not contain any field definitions. Check your repository.

DDINFO-ERR: No keys defined for structure: structure_name

Each structure used to generate the system catalog must have at least one key, but the structure structure_name has no key. Define a key for the structure.

DDINFO-ERR: No repository or schema file found

This is an internal error. Call Synergy/DE Developer Support.

DDINFO-ERR: version mismatch: cannot convert version repository_version

The repository was created with an unsupported version of Synergy/DE Repository. xfODBC supports repositories created with Repository version 7.x or greater. Re-create the repository.

DDINFO-WARN: Field field_name exceeds maximum 2000 - MSACCESS may fail.

The field field_name is too long and may cause Microsoft Access to fail.

DDINFO-WARN: Field field_name Precision changed to precision based on format

The repository format string for field field_name caused dbcreate to assign a different precision for the field in the system catalog.

DDINFO-WARN: Field field_name (odbc field alt_name) not found

Dbcreate could not find the field field_name (with the alternate name of alt_name).

DDINFO-WARN: Overlay Key key_name field field_name has an overlay offset - GENIX overlay key not created

An index was not created for field_name because dbcreate does not create an index for an overlay field that has an offset. See Indexes for overlay segments.

DDINFO-WARN: Key key_name segment seg_name length is less than total length of overlaid fields

The key segment seg_name is an overlay field whose length is less than the total length of the fields it overlays. Dbcreate was probably not able to use the segment as defined. This generally indicates that there is a problem with the repository or file definition because a key should never partially encompass an overlaid field. If dbcreate was not able to use the segment, it and subsequent segments are omitted from the index.

DDINFO-WARN: Key key_name segment seg_name is an overlay containing field field_name which exceeds key length.

The key segment seg_name overlays a field (field_name) that exceeds the key length. Dbcreate was probably not able to use the segment as defined. This generally indicates that there is a problem with the repository or file definition because a key should never partially encompass an overlaid field. If dbcreate was not able to use the segment, it and subsequent segments are omitted from the index.

DDINFO-WARN: key_name not equal to length of all segments.

The length of the key key_name is not equal to the length of all of its segments. Dbcreate may have been able to use the segments as defined, but this generally indicates that there is a problem with the repository or file definition because a key should never partially encompass an overlaid field. If dbcreate was not able to use a segment, that and subsequent segments are omitted from the index.

DDINFO-WARN: seg_name exceeds field field_name length. Segment ignored.

The length of the segment seg_name exceeds the length of the field (field_name) for the key. Dbcreate was probably not able to use the segment as defined. This generally indicates that there is a problem with the repository or file definition because a key should never partially encompass an overlaid field. If dbcreate was not able to use the segment, it and subsequent segments are omitted from the index.

DDINFO-WARN: Overlay exceeds key_name length. Segment seg_name ignored.

Segment seg_name is an overlay field whose fields exceed the length of the key (key_name). Dbcreate was probably not able to use the segment as defined. This generally indicates that there is a problem with the repository or file definition because a key should never partially encompass an overlaid field. If dbcreate was not able to use the segment, it and subsequent segments are omitted from the index.

DDINFO-WARN: Overlay not contiguous

A key overlays fields that are not contiguous, so dbcreate is not able to use this key to create an index.

Duplicate column column_name

Either the same alternate name has been assigned to more than one field, or truncated names are the same. Alternate names must be unique. Column names are truncated if they exceed 30 characters. If you have two column names whose first 30 characters are identical, xfODBC will see them as identical names. This is most likely to occur with groups, struct fields, or arrays. To see if this is the case, use the -v option with dbcreate. If truncated column names are the cause, use the group prefix or Alternate name to create shorter names.

If neither of these is the cause, call Synergy/DE Developer Support.

ERROR: Cannot open files (ddc_init:data)

An error occurred while opening the repository files. Call Synergy/DE Developer Support.

ERROR: GENESIS_FORKEYS entry, primary_table, primary_key, key, primary_column, column, foreign_table

There are duplicate relations for the table primary_table.

ERROR: GENESIS_HOME environment variable not found

The GENESIS_HOME environment variable is not set. See Specifying the connect file location (GENESIS_HOME) for information on setting this variable.

ERROR: Index index_name, column column_name not found

The given index references a field that is not defined. Often, this is caused by a field that is incorrectly defined as invisible. If not, call Synergy/DE Developer Support.

ERROR: sdms_init failed

An internal function failed. Call Synergy/DE Developer Support.

ERROR: table_name: SDMS error

A Synergy DBMS error occurred while accessing the table. Notify your system administrator.

ERROR: Table lookup error: (ddc_fname: data)

An error occurred while retrieving the list of table definitions. Use the DBA program to compare the system catalog to the repository definitions. For information, see Comparing the system catalog to repository definitions.

Index index_name, column column_name datatype mismatch

The data type of the index segment does not match the one defined in the corresponding column definition. Verify your repository definition for this index and its segments.

Index index_name, column column_name decimal datatype mismatch

A column is defined as type decimal but is defined as another data type when specified as a segment of the key. If the key value can be negative, change the file key type. If the key cannot be negative, change repository definition of the key segment to an alpha data type. See Optimizing with keys.

Index index_name, column column_name not found

The index references a field that is not defined. Verify the repository.

Index index_name, column column_name not used due to date windowing

An ordered key could not be created because the date column contains a two-digit century.

Index index_name, column column_name not used due to unordered date

The column column_name uses a user-defined date type (one specified with ^CLASS^) that does not start with the year. See Creating Routines for User-Defined Data Types for information on creating routines to handle the date.

Index index_name, column column_name, unsupported segment type seg_type

The segment data type for column column_name in index index_name is not supported. Subsequent segment definitions for this index will be ignored. Verify your repository definition for this index and its segments. Unsupported data types include external, user-defined, case-insensitive, and unsigned integer. The literal data type is supported for foreign keys only, and then only when specified as the first segment.

Index index_name dropped

The given index definition was dropped because the first segment has an unsupported segment type. Verify your repository definition for this index and its segments.

Index index_name, duplicate column column_name

There is a duplicate column name in the specified index. Check the repository definition for the specified index.

Index index_name, duplicate KRF value: key_of_reference

There is a mixture of explicit and implicit KRF values or duplicate KRF values in your repository key definitions. Ensure you use auto KRF values, or explicitly define all KRF values with no duplicates. After making changes use fcompare to compare the repository definitions to your Synergy database files. See Validate, verify, and compare for additional information.

Index index_name, overlay index created

A segment within a key is an overlay. xfODBC will optimize by creating another key with all the columns, including the columns defined by the overlay.

Invalid option Expected LOGFIL parameter

You must specify a log filename when you use the dbcreate -l option.

Invalid option Expected PATH parameter

You must specify a target directory path when you use the dbcreate -d option.

Invisible field field_name ignored

The invisible field definition field_name is ignored. This is an informational message.

Maximum command line length (max_len) exceeded

There are too many characters in the fields of the Generate System Catalog window. The DBA program resolves any environment variables, combines the fields in this window into a single command line, and sends the command line to dbcreate.

Message file not available. ERRNO: number

xfODBC cannot find the error message file. (By default, the error message file is named sql.msg.) Set the GENESIS_MSG_FILE environment variable to the path and filename of the error message file. Alternatively, you can put the sql.msg file in a directory named lib that’s in the directory GENESIS_HOME is set to (in other words, GENESIS_HOME:lib).

No file link found for related structure

One of the structures for a relation has not been assigned to a file.

No indexes defined for table table_name

Index definitions for table_name are invalid. Verify the repository and use fcompare to compare the repository definitions to your Synergy database files. See Validate, verify, and compare for information.

Null key ‘index_name’ ignored

Null keys are ignored.

Null key index_name, optimization reduced

Null keys can be used only for equality operations. Whenever possible, declare keys as unique with no duplicates, non-null values, or negative values. This enables xfODBC to optimize ORDER BY statements.

Partial catalog exists, specify -c option

The catalog generation failed and the system catalog is not complete. Regenerate the system catalog using dbcreate with the -c option.

Primary key from_table.key.column(ordinal_position) is smaller than foreign key to_table.key.column(ordinal_position)

The primary key segment size is smaller than the foreign key it references. Verify the repository definitions for the primary and foreign keys to ensure the column counts match.

Primary key table_name.key_name, Foreign key table_name.key_name, column count mismatch[. Relation dropped.]

The number of segments in the primary key does not match the number of columns in the foreign key. Verify the repository definition for both the primary and foreign key. If the first segment is a literal and there is not more than one segment in the foreign key table, the relation will be dropped.

Primary key index index_name not found

A primary key is missing. xfODBC may have found an error when attempting to create the key. Check the repository definition for index_name and/or regenerate the system catalog with the verbose (-v) and log file (-l log_file) options to determine if there is a problem with index_name.

Structure structure_name: No fields found

No field definitions were found for the structure structure_name. Verify the repository and use fcompare to compare the repository definitions to your Synergy database files. See Validate, verify, and compare for information.

Structure structure_name: No keys found

No keys were found for the structure structure_name. Verify the repository and use fcompare to compare the repository definitions to your Synergy database files. See Validate, verify, and compare for information.

Structure structure_name: Not found

The structure structure_name could not be found. Verify the repository and use fcompare to compare the repository definitions to your Synergy database files. See Validate, verify, and compare for information.

Structure structure_name: Unknown error

An unknown error was returned for the given structure. Verify the repository and use fcompare to compare the repository definitions to your Synergy database files. See Validate, verify, and compare for information.

Table table_name is already defined

A duplicate table name was found when updating the system catalog. Regenerate the system catalog using dbcreate with the -c option.

Table table_name, column column_name not found

The column (column_name) was not found in the table (table_name). Check the repository field attributes for table_name.

Table table_name, primary index index_name, column column_name not found

An index definition references a column that does not exist. Verify the index and column definition using repository and/or regenerate the system catalog using dbcreate with the logging (-l log_file) and verbose (-v) options.