Editing the SQL error message file

The SQL error message file contains messages that display when the xfODBC driver, SQL OpenNet client, or SQL OpenNet server encounter errors. You can use the GENESIS_MSG_FILE environment variable to specify the location and name of the SQL message file. By default it is named sql.msg and is located in the connect\synodbc\lib subdirectory of the main Synergy/DE installation directory. (To generate a system catalog, xfODBC must be able to locate the SQL error message file.) For more information, see Specifying the error message file (GENESIS_MSG_FILE).

To edit messages in the SQL error message file,

1. Open sql.txt in a text editor that can display hexadecimal numbers and end-of-line characters. Sql.txt is installed to the connect\synodbc\lib subdirectory of the main Synergy/DE installation directory.
2. Edit messages. Messages may be only 64 characters long. Each message must end with a newline character (ASCII hexadecimal character number 0x0a), and the newline character must come after the sixty-fourth character in the line. Any character within the first 64 character positions in a line will be part of the display.
3. Save the text file.
4. Move to the connect subdirectory of the main Synergy/DE installation directory. (If you are on a Windows system, open a Command Prompt window, and then change to the synergyde\connect subdirectory.)
5. From the command line, enter a command with the following syntax:
bldemf.exe source_file message_file
bldemf source_file message_file
$ BLDEMF source_file message_file

where source_file is the path and filename of the text file you saved in step 3 and message_file is the path and filename of the SQL message file to be created.

You can now verify that the changes were made by opening the new SQL message file in a text editor. Note that this file is formatted differently than text file you saved in step 3; there are no newline characters. Close the SQL message file without saving it. If you have further changes to make to the error message file, follow step 1 through step 5 again.