Get information about a 64-bit windowing system




NSupported in Synergy .NET
%W_INFOEX(WIF_HWND, window_id)



Returns the system-specific window handle.


The ID of the window for which you want to get information or WID_CONTAINER to indicate the application container window. If zero or not passed, the last window ID referenced is used. (n)


The %W_INFOEX function returns information about the 64-bit windowing system.


%W_INFOEX is functionally identical to W_INFO., except %W_INFOEX returns an IntPtr value instead of an int. In .NET, for AnyCPU or a 64-bit CPU, WIF_HWND must be called with %W_INFOEX, not %W_INFO. Since the only real reason to use %W_INFOEX is this specific case, we have abbreviated the documentation to include only what is relevant.

WIF_HWND retrieves system-specific window handles (or returns 0 for .NET terminal applications). An increased demand for interoperability, especially in Windows environments, has prompted a need to determine the system-specific window handle for a Synergy window. This handle must be type D_ADDR and can be passed to a DLL or C-interface routine to perform system-specific actions on the window. For instance, if you wanted to display bitmap graphics in a Synergy window, you could write a DLL routine to manage the image but let the rest of the window management functions be handled by the Synergy runtime.

The returned handle may be used with the ^M casting operator to read or write data in the window’s user data set, using a STRUCTURE.