Preprocessor and Compiler Directives

Preprocessor and compiler directives are not part of the Synergy DBL language itself but instead are processed either before any code is compiled or only when code is compiled, respectively.

.ALIGN - Align the data location counter to a boundary

.ARRAY - Indicate System.Array access is 0-based

.DEFINE - Define an identifier

.IDENT - Include a module identifier string

.IF-.ELSE-.ENDC - Perform conditional processing

.IFDEF-.ELSE-.ENDC - Perform conditional processing

.IFNDEF-.ELSE-.ENDC - Perform conditional processing

.IFT, .IFF, .IFTF - Control conditional processing

.INCLUDE - Include external source code

.LIST - Control the listing of source code

.NODEBUG - Ignore breakpoints in debug mode

.NOLIST - Control the listing of source code

.NOPROTO-.PROTO - Turn prototype generation off and on

.NULLABLE - Delineate a nullable region

.PAGE - Advance program listing to top of new page

.REGION-.ENDREGION - Specify a collapsible block of code

.START - Control the listing of source code

.TITLE - Specify the listing page header

.UNDEFINE - Remove definition of replacement identifier

.UNICODE-.NOUNICODE - Recognize Unicode escape sequences in string literals