Synergy Socket API

The Synergy socket API gives you direct access to sockets from your Synergy applications.

%SS_ACCEPT - Accept a connection on a stream socket (IPv4)

%SS_BIND - Bind a name to an unbound socket (IPv4)

%SS_CLOSE - Close a socket

%SS_CONNECT - Connect sockets or establish peer address (IPv4)

%SS_FATAL - Notify server that program is terminating abnormally

%SS_GETADDRINFO - Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a host name

%SS_GETHOSTBYADDR - Get the host name corresponding to an IPv4 address

%SS_GETHOSTBYNAME - Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a host name

%SS_GETHOSTNAME - Get the name of the local host

%SS_GETNAMEINFO - Get the host name corresponding to an IPv4 address

%SS_GETPEERNAME - Return the name of the peer socket (IPv4)

%SS_GETSERVBYNAME - Return the port number given the service name

%SS_GETSERVBYPORT - Return the service name given the port number

%SS_GETSOCKNAME - Return the name associated with a socket (IPv4)

%SS_HTONL - Convert long integers from host to network byte order

%SS_HTONS - Convert short integers from host to network byte order

%SS_INET_ADDR - Convert IPv4 address from text to numeric

%SS_INET_NTOA - Convert IPv4 address from numeric to text

%SS_INET_NTOP - Convert IPv4 address from numeric to text

%SS_INET_PTON - Convert IPv4 address from text to numeric

%SS_LISTEN - Listen for connections

%SS_NTOHL - Convert long integers from network to host byte order

%SS_NTOHS - Convert short integers from network to host byte order

%SS_RECV - Receive bytes from a socket

%SS_RECVBUF - Receive bytes from a connected stream socket

%SS_RECVFROM - Receive bytes from a datagram socket (IPv4)

%SS_SELECT - Wait for data

%SS_SEND - Send bytes to a connected peer or established peer address

%SS_SENDBUF - Send bytes from a socket buffer to a connected peer

%SS_SENDTO - Send bytes through a datagram socket (IPv4)

%SS_SOCKET - Return a socket descriptor

%SS2_ACCEPT - Accept a connection on a stream socket (IPv6)

%SS2_BIND - Bind a name to an unbound socket (IPv6)

%SS2_CONNECT - Connect sockets or establish peer address

%SS2_GETADDRINFO - Get the IP address corresponding to a host name

%SS2_GETHOSTBYADDR - Get the host name corresponding to an IP address

%SS2_GETHOSTBYNAME - Get the IP address corresponding to a host name

%SS2_GETNAMEINFO - Get the host name corresponding to an IP address

%SS2_GETPEERNAME - Return the name of the peer socket (IPv6)

%SS2_GETSOCKNAME - Return the name associated with a socket (IPv6)

%SS2_INET_NTOP - Convert IPv4 or IPv6 address from numeric to text

%SS2_INET_PTON - Convert IPv6 address from text to numeric

%SS2_RECVFROM - Receive bytes from a datagram socket (IPv6)

%SS2_SENDTO - Send bytes through a datagram socket