Synergy HTTP Document Transport API

The HTTP document transport API enables a Synergy program to send or receive data from an HTTP/HTTPS server. Conversely, a Synergy program can receive data from an HTTP/HTTPS client and then send data to that client to satisfy the client’s request.

%HTTP_CLIENT_GET - Send a document retrieval request to a server

%HTTP_CLIENT_HEAD - Request document headers from a server

%HTTP_CLIENT_POST - Send a request to post a document to a server

%HTTP_DELETE - Send a delete request to an HTTP or HTTPS server

%HTTP_GET - Send a document retrieval request to a server

%HTTP_HEAD - Request document headers from a server

%HTTP_METHOD - Specify a method that prompts for a password

%HTTP_PATCH - Send a patch request to an HTTP or HTTPS server

%HTTP_POST - Send a post request to an HTTP or HTTPS server

%HTTP_PUT - Send a put request to an HTTP or HTTPS server

%HTTP_SERVER_CREATE - Create an HTTP or HTTPS server class object

%HTTP_SERVER_DELETE - Free memory for the HTTP or HTTPS server

%HTTP_SERVER_RECEIVE - Receive a request from a client

%HTTP_SERVER_SEND - Send a response to a client