Synergy Floating Point API

The floating point API enables you to perform floating-point calculations. It is not available in Synergy .NET.

FP_ADD - Add floating-point numbers

FP_ARCCOS - Return the arc cosine of a floating-point number

FP_ARCSIN - Return the arc sine of a floating-point number

FP_ARCTAN - Return the arc tangent of a floating-point number

FP_CMP - Compare floating-point numbers

FP_COS - Return the cosine of a floating-point number

FP_DIV - Divide floating-point numbers

FP_EXPE - Exponentiate a floating-point number

FP_FROM_NUM - Convert to floating-point from implied-decimal

FP_LOG10 - Return the base 10 logarithm of a floating-point number

FP_LOGE - Return the logarithm of a floating-point number

FP_MUL - Multiply floating-point numbers

FP_POW - Raise a floating-point number to a floating-point power

FP_SIN - Return the sine of a floating-point number

FP_SQRT - Get the square root of a floating-point number

FP_SUB - Subtract floating-point numbers

FP_TAN - Return the tangent of a floating-point number

FP_TO_NUM - Convert from floating-point to implied-decimal