Reduce line spacing

WSupported on Windows



NSupported in Synergy .NET

The MINIMIZE_LEADING environment variable reduces the amount of space between lines of text in windows on the screen.

One of the following values:

0 = Normal leading (8 pixels) (default)

1 = Less leading (6 pixels)

2 = No leading (0 pixels)

3 = Minimal leading (2 pixels)

Setting MINIMIZE_LEADING to 1, 2, or 3 can enable you to fit more lines of text on your screen. It applies to all windows, including the application container window. (In contrast, UI Toolkit’s %U_WNDSTYLE function only applies to one window.)

By default, the leading between rows is large enough to allow space for an edit control frame and its 3-D effects and to avoid any clipping of text within that edit control. Edit controls are used to frame input fields.

MINIMIZE_LEADING=1 reduces the amount of leading to just the amount required to display the frame. Some clipping of text may occur, and 3-D effects of adjacent fields may overlap.

MINIMIZE_LEADING=2 eliminates all leading between lines. This means that no extra space is allowed for an edit control frame. If edit controls are displayed, they overlap one another noticeably.

MINIMIZE_LEADING=3 may be useful when using applications that are purely ACCEPT/DISPLAY/READS programs or that use only the Synergy windowing API and no UI Toolkit calls.

Calling %U_WNDSTYLE for a window and specifying D_NO_LEADING is equivalent to setting MINIMIZE_LEADING=2 for a single window. Specifying D_NO_LEADING overrides any setting of MINIMIZE_LEADING for that window. However, if you call %U_WNDSTYLE and specify D_LEADING, the MINIMIZE_LEADING setting applies to that window.

If you use MINIMIZE_LEADING=2 to eliminate all inter-row spacing and you are using a Synergy window as a “background” display window, you may want to use

xcall w_proc(WP_POSITION, wndid, 0, 0) 

to position that window at the exact upper-left corner of the application window. Otherwise, on some platforms and with some font combinations, the window may be placed several pixels below the very top.

The environment or the [synergy], [dbr], or [myprog] section of synergy.ini (where myprog is any .dbr file).
