Exceeded quota

The runtime failed because it exceeded some process limit imposed on it by the system. The additional information in the error should give you a clue as to the problem. For example,

%DBL-E-EXQUOTA, Exceeded quota %RMS-F-EXENQLM, exceeded enqueue quota %

indicates that the problem is with the ENQLM parameter. To see these quotas and the current amount free, run the command SHOW PROC/CONT/ID=process_id and press Q. If your application uses xfServer or xfServerPlus, see xfServer and xfServerPlus quotas for more information.

The options /BUFFER_LIMIT, /ENQUEUE_LIMIT, /FILE_LIMIT, and /PAGE_FILE are “deductible” parameters, meaning that the owning process and all its children share the limit. If this shared limit is exceeded, it restricts how many clients the process can serve.